YOU are the true solution to the total success of your ceramic business. YOU are the only one who can absorb the information and make it work in your ceramic business
YOU are the key to your ceramic business success.
All that the CAG, and other valuable resources can do is EMPOWER YOU, give YOU the ability, to make it happen. We can provide the tools, YOU must make use of them. We can show YOU ways to make money in the ceramic business, but YOU must engage these ways. We can talk about stepping out of the box to be successful, but it is YOU who must make the first real step out of the box. All ideas require action, that is where YOU come in. YOU see, when YOU take the action and try some of the concepts we provide to improve your ceramic business, it works for YOU. The ideas we provide, when YOU put them into action, can EMPOWER YOU to be successful.
The first thing YOU should do for 2010 is develop a business plan with clearly defined goals and objectives to reach those goals. This should be laid out in a day by day, week by week, and month by month format. Even going an additional step and have a 1, 5 and 10 year goal for your business is also beneficial.
Do not expect your business to be any more active, than YOU are active in stepping out and building it. Learn to do things that are sustainable in your business. Our economy has never been tighter or in worse shape, but the outlook for a solid business may have never been better.
If YOU say by the end of 2010 I want to have a well defined and sustainable ceramic business underway that will last easily through the decade, YOU are beginning to understand what empowerment means. If YOU still just want to whine about how bad the industry is . . . go buy yourself some cheese and keep right on not listening. We are sure someone will be watching as YOU sell your 5,000 molds in a warehouse for $50 and say, "Nobody wants to do ceramics anymore." Guess what? WE have 50,000+ people who will tell you different. Go ahead create something in ceramics today! Then get back to your business plan.
Don't know where to start with a business plan? Check out BLUEPRINT next month for some good foundational ideas.