Sunday, October 18, 2009

It's Time to take out the trash!

I get a lot of e-mails telling me they get so frustrated because they try to follow a search link for a ceramic company from Google or yahoo or whoever, and they end up with a site that has been deserted for years, perhaps even over a decade. HOW SAD! Most of these sites say things like, "due to health reasons I'm forced to sell." Sadly I checked up on a couple of these and it was the "health" of their business that made them want to sell. Somehow we must find a way to systematically locate and remove these sites from the web. It's like a giant bone yard of grounded planes. I remember being in Pima, AZ once at this place that had tons of planes all decommissioned. It was cool. But if I was at an airport and saw these things along the runway I may not want to fly. I think you see my comparison. If you know of a dead site and personally know the creator, help him to hit the "kill" switch on the site. If there are good info packets in the sites we should save these and build them into a central repository of info. Anyone got any ideas?

1 comment:

  1. I contacted MSN about two business' that used to be listed in this area and have been gone for over 5 years.It took 3 weeks,but they did disappear.Maybe that is the way to approach this problem.
