Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Keeping and Making Tradition.

Do you create new traditions? As a family grows and changes, it is equally important to hold onto treasured family traditions from years gone by as it is to create new ones that will hopefully last for years . . .even generations to come.
So what are some of your traditions at Christmas? I personally love the ones that focus on the creation of a craft project. With ceramics being tops on that list. Some of the traditions we do or have close friends who do are as follows:
1. Create a themed ornament (each person) that will hang on the tree or a wreath.
2. Create a new village house (or several) to add to the family village.
3. Add a new person or animal to the family Creche (Nativity)
These are just a few ideas, that can remain rock solid and go on endlessly. If you have a special ceramic Holiday tradition let us know in the comments section. have a great HOLIDAY!

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