Friday, November 13, 2009

"Artist Discovery Tour" - reaching out for hidden talent!

So let's think outside the box for a moment. I understand what I am proposing here is a little to extreme for many, in fact most of you, but the results could be insanely positive.
Pack up a table, a couple folding chairs, an odd assortment of paints (you should only take non-firing product for this experiment, as immediate results is an integral part of it) an assortment of brushes, and an assortment of enhancers like Sharpie markers, colored pencils, chalks, and stuff to be creative with. Then take an assortment of bisque. Perhaps that's a bunch of tiles, discs or plates. It could be a grouping of plain ornaments or small containers. You want the items to have plain surfaces, as opposed to heavily detailed surfaces.
Make sure to take a digital camera with extra batteries with you when you go.
Then simply set up "shop" somewhere there are a lot of people. Make sure to ask for permission so as not to draw the "wrong" kind of attention. Good places might be a busy downtown sidewalk, a transit mall, a youth sporting event, outside a Gospel Mission. DO NOT SELL ANYTHING. Invite people to come and create a piece of art. Ask before they start if it's OK for you to take some pictures as they work and then of their finished product. Give limited instruction, as to allow them to freely explore their creativity. Then when you begin to see amazing works of art come from things you would have never thought of, invite them to your studio. If you happen to draw positive attention from the media they may do a story about your "Artist Discovery Tour". You can't buy that kind of advertising.
If you can see yourself doing this, and it will have amazing effect, share your stories and pictures with us, we may publish them in an upcoming issue of CERAKANVAS.

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