One of the many roles of the CAG in helping to "INVITE" and "EXCITE" people into the ceramic realm is to develop symmetry and relationships among fellow ceramicists. So how do we do this?
1. Creating the CAG as a world wide hub for all things ceramic related. To be a useful communication tool for ceramicists.
2. Publish and distribute journals (magazines) that help inspire creativity through techniques and to help organize your business so that it can attain a sustainable business level.
3. Develop an Ambassador network to bring real people closer to the ceramicists and to let them know about the abundance of opportunities to help them in their art/craft/business.
4. To engage a universal standard of quality and interpretation in judging of ceramic entries by training and certifying ceramic judges.
5. To help local and distinct regional groups of individuals to form clubs or associations and to create annual events (shows/competitions) to help stimulate the industry.
6. To be a conduit between business and organizations creating a "bridging" in the industry while allowing independent thought and leadership to be predominate.
All of these areas have taken on a life of their own in the last 10 months. Only #5 has not really started to gain ground yet, but it is beginning too. Our Fireside Chats and other avenues are encouraging groups of ceramicists to come together and form a totally independent geographically based ceramic club or association. Doing this does not interfere with your association/membership in any other ceramic group. This is different. This is grassroots, its local, its personal and face to face. The mud hens of the 1950's began organizing into first clubs or clatches, then later formalizing that organization into an association. Some of these have lasted over 50 years, but the majority faded away for lack of "vision".
So sign your organization/association/club up with the CAG as an affiliate. It's FREE and we provide an abundance of resources. Or if you don't have one, contact us at let us know so we can help you get started.